Hach BioTector B7000i TOC Analyser

The ideal online TOC Analyser to achieve precise results even for your most challenging applications
A unique self-cleaning oxidation technology enables the B7000i analyser to easily handle difficult samples and significantly reduce the maintenance schedule and costs associated with traditional on-line measurement. This TOC analyser eliminates build up issues from salts, particulates, fats, oils and greases that lead to drift and high maintenance.
With reliable, continuous environmental monitoring and real-time process control, BioTector analysers allow plants to optimise processes and reduce product loss.

Worry-free TOC with smart design
The B7000i comes with a built in self-cleaning sample line and reactor. This enables the B7000i to deliver trustworthy results even if your water contains high levels of fats, oils, greases, sludge and particulates or has pH swings.

Easy handling
All B7000i come with unique oversized tubing which eliminated the need for filtration and you can be sure to have a fully representative sample. The special tubing also prevents clogging as well as sample contamination.

Superior reliability
Using BioTector’s internationally proven and innovative Two Stage Advanced Oxidation technology the B7000i delivers maximum reliability, accuracy and availability with a MCert certified uptime of 99.86%. In addition no calibration or maintenance is required between 6-month service intervals.

Flexible field of application
Depending on the type of application, the instrument can operate across a very wide measuring range. The B7000i analyser also has multistreaming capabilities with up to 6 process streams possible. Additionally, it can be adapted for indoor or outdoor use.

Low cost of ownership
Installing a B7000i provides cost savings through optimising processes by decreasing chemical dosing, waste reduction, reducing samples processes and lowering overall plant operation costs.
EUR Price


TOC, TIC, TC, VOC, after correlation COD, BOD, TOG 1, 2, 4 and 6 streams 0 - 20000 mg/L C Contact Us


TOC, TIC, TC, VOC, after correlation COD, BOD, TOG 1, 2, 4 and 6 streams 0 - 10000 mg/L C Contact Us
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