Amtax sc Ammonium analyser, outdoor, 1 - 100 mg/L NH₄-N, 1-channel

Product #: LXV421.99.23001
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Transparent, high quality Ammonium measurement technology for reliable values with short response time

High precision process-instrument for the determination of ammonium in water, wastewater and activated sludge. Outdoor enclosure. 1-channel continuous. 115-230 VAC, 50/60 Hz power supply.
Can take one continous sample stream coming from a sample preparation, e.g. Filtrax.
The ammonium concentration in the sample is then determined by a gas sensitive electrode (removable membrane cap). Measuring range 1-100 mg/L NH₄-N.
Evaluation and operation with SC Controller.
The analyser is equipped with an insulated enclosure for indoor and outdoor installation.

Prognosys is a predictive diagnostic system that allows you to be proactive in your maintenance, by alerting you to upcoming instrument issues. Know with confidence whether changes in your measurements are due to changes in your instrument or your water.

There are additional options available. Please contact Hach for more details.

Looking for Hach's newest ammonium analyser?
The NH6000sc offers the reliable data and low maintenance that you trust from Amtax -- with a sleek new features.

  • Wide measuring range
  • Fast response time for control of nutrient removal process
  • Easy installation
  • Low maintenance and simple operation
  • Optional with sample preparation or second channel